HSM Painting Systems
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EcoGun ACE

In collaboration with our renowned partner Dürr, we have developed the EcoGun ACE, a groundbreaking innovation in the world of paint technology.

The revolutionary ACE SPE-System features a low-pressure paint spray gun equipped with interchangeable nozzle inserts. Here, our expertise and quality standards merge with the expertise of Dürr to offer you a product that sets new standards in the painting industry. This groundbreaking collaboration enables us to provide you with a high-end product for your painting needs that combines high performance and exceptional precision. Trust in the EcoGun ACE to meet your painting requirements on a new level of efficiency.

The EcoGun ACE spray gun, manufactured by our partner Dürr, is available from its sales partner. Contact HSM or the HSM regional representatives directly, who will be happy to help you find a suitable dealer in your area.
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Visit our interactive product page and learn all about the benefits and strengths of the ACE SPE-System.


Nozzle Insert

ACE SPE-System

The nozzle insert is the centerpiece of the ACE SPE-System. It is available in various sizes and can be replaced as needed. This allows you to use the EcoGun ACE for different painting tasks and optimize the efficiency of your painting processes.

ace video
Technical Details
EcoGun ACE
Air Cap
Air Consumption* Transfer Rate
Conventional/CF 240 - 280 > 65
LVLP/LF 265 - 310 > 75
* dependent on air cap type and air pressure
Air Pressure
Maximal 7,0 bar
Recommended 2,0 - 3,0 bar
Operating Temperature
Minimal 10 °C
Maximal 40 °C
Nozzle Sizes
Ø/mm 1.2/1.3/1.4/1.6/1.8/2.0/2.5
Material / Color Housing: Aluminum, blue anodized